Monday, March 26, 2012

Jan 10, 2012 Doctor Appt

The first week was ok. I cannot stress to you the importance of ICE and ELEVATION.  These will be your best friend.  I have only had to take the pain meds the first night - but that was a doozy of a night.  My surgery did not go exactly as planned.  The metatarsal was smaller than expected, so in order to confirm the the fixator was placed correctly, he had to slice my foot open down to the bone.  This will unfortunately increase the recovery time and also leave a nasty scar on my foot.  But, a scar I can handle - it will be a reminder of the brave steps that I took to overcome my fears and enjoy life !!

I tried to attach the video of removal of my bandages for the first time, but it was too large, sorry :(  It looks way worse than it felt - trust me.  There is lots of dried blood in the gauges because of the excessive incision.  After this appointment, we began the turning process.  It was simple.  Insert the tool and turn it three times a day.  There is NO pain associated with it at all...I was stressing because I thought that I was not doing it right the first week = because of the no pain.

 The pin in the end of my toe is to keep the toe from raising while the metatarsal is being extended.


  1. Hi I've just found your site. How are you going? I've also just been through the surgery it's my 5th week. I'd love to hear how you're going! I too have a blog you can follow me on Take care :)

  2. can you please put a picture of your feet now and update your blog. Im thinking about going to this doctor and i want to know how he is.


    I just started a blog also, we have the same doctor
